Monday, January 12, 2009

What I've Been Up To!

First off, I've been making too many major purchases lately. I need to cut back, if for no other reason than the fact that I haven't worn out my other toys before I buy something new. Anyways, latest purchase: a kick ass air hockey table! It is some 5 feet long, the kind you would find at the bar or an arcade. I bought it at the junk store. I'm not sure what the name of the store really is, but my friend found it at the place he always calls the junk store. Everything there is new, it is just full of junk. The guy was asking $500, but I jewed him down to $200. A steal!! Oh the fun we've been having with this thing. I've had all sorts of people over, which is unusual for me, since I'm normally not the entertaining type of person. But between the wii, the foosball table and now the airhockey table, my house is like an arcade. Kids love it here!!

Spent Saturday out doing ski patrol. Or at least thats what I told people I was doing while I was there. I had some friends stop by, and we ended up tubing for over two hours. Its a lot less work when you don't have to walk your ass back up the hill! It was a riot!!

And something totally crazy. I had a dream last night that my old garage cat, Ruff, showed up. I seriously woke up sweating. For some reason either he was shaved or all of his hair was coming off. I don't know, it was just weird. Anyways, while I was sitting on the couch tonight my two indoor cats started freaking out at the back door. I get up to check to see whats going on, and guess who is on the porch....Ruff! I hadn't seen that cat since July, and since she is so little, I just assumed that the coyotes or something had her for dinner. I can't believe she is still alive!! I'm not about to open up the garage and start feeding her again. I seriously don't want that stray hanging around the house again. Obviously someone has been taking care of her. Just shocked the hell out of me that she showed up tonight, especially after that crazy dream I had last night.

Finally, some exciting weather news! The weather is always a topic of conversation in Northern Michigan, since it is forever changing. Anyways, we are supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow tonight. Wind gusts of 30 to 40mph. And the exciting part is windchill readings of 20 to 30 below zero!! So a few things pop into my mind. I want to go out and play in the cold tomorrow to see how well I can tolerate and endure these subzero temperatures and to test my survival skills. Secondly, think about it this way. Even if it warmed up 60 degrees, it would still be below freezing. Doesn't that sound oh so pleasant and make everyone want to come visit me!!!!!

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