Friday, June 29, 2007

Another unproductive day....

It seems that I am having too many unproductive days. I went to see the eye doctor today. Her and her entire staff were rude. They for sure didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My big goal the past week or so has been to get rid of the two kittens. I posted an add in the paper on Wednesday. I have received several calls about them. I waited around for two people to show up at my house tonight with neither one appearing. The nerve of them! For a brief period (I'm talking seconds), I considered keeping them. But I quickly caught up with reality and remembered the fact that I'm scared to death of becoming the neighborhood cat lady. Hopefully I'll have better luck in the next few days. When I went to water the flowers today, I discovered that the deer came to the garden for dinner last night. Ugh. And lastly the continuing issue with my Jeep. When I took it in to have the electrical source that goes to my hitch checked, they found there was no voltage. They had put it on not even a week ago. Don't they check that? Idiots. Needless to say, I have to make my fourth trip to the car dealer. I thought that buying a new car would prevent having to take it to be repaired. Sigh...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It floats!

Well, the boat floats! After several hurtles, the boat has made it to water. Some technical difficulties along the way, but it was a successful first launch. Some times when you get going fast (like 30mph, I know, really not that fast), and you start hitting the waves, I feel like the boat is going to snap like a toothpick. It seems so fragile to be doing stuff like that.

So more issues with the Jeep. When we hooked the trailer up, the trailer lights don't work. I had to have the hitch put on last week, but apparently they never tested the lights. So I have to go back to the car dealership again, for the 4th time. I also had them put on this undercoating rust proof stuff on my car last week. Well it seems that everywhere I touch it is just thick goop....everywhere. It is messy and gets all over your extremities and clothing. So I have to also address these issues when I pay another visit to them tomorrow.


So the past week or so has been rather low key and uneventful. I put in my six days of work and am now resting with my eight days off. Over this time period, I have kinda sorta been working on my life list. I just so happen to know a cop that is a pretty good friend. Perfect opportunity to get into a police line up, right? Well, bad news, they don't do police line ups anymore. He said they use a book full of pictures. The pictures are of other prisoners. He said he could probably get me in the book, but that would be kinda weird. I told him I needed to think about it.

Also on the list is juggling. Lets just say it isn't going very well. My legs are killing me from having to continuously bend over to pick up my dropped balls. I can barely juggle two balls, but thats about it. I will continue practicing once my legs are feeling a little better.

Some pretty cool news in our little town of Gaylord. One of last years members from the high school hockey team, Will Weber, got selected in the second round of the NHL draft by the Columbus Blue Jackets. That is awesome!!

That's about it......

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Things to do before I die...

A couple of weeks ago I was able to cross off an event from my "List of things to do before I die." If you look back a few blogs, you can read my story of being an extra in a movie. Everyone has a list, either mental or written, and most of them are very similar. Things such as write a book, travel to Spain, meet someone famous, etc. Well I guess my list is a little unique. Being an extra in a movie was something I never thought would happen. Last fall I was able to cross off "Pick up hitch-hikers" from my list. Now that may seem easy and harmless. But, being a young lady, it can be rather risky. So last fall when I took a vacation alone (also on the list), I picked up a couple of hikers who just so happened to be gynecologists from Ohio. Weird. We had some very colorful conversation. In the end I gave them a ride to their car and they gave me $50. I told them I didn't need the money, but the one guy said, "I'll make more money in 5 years than you will in a lifetime." So I took the money. Back to the list. So I have always had this mental list of things to do. Now, I'm going to write some things down just so I can read back at a later time and laugh at how stupid they are and to see if I've completed any. Without further delay, here is the list:

1. Be a stand in on a police line up
2. Change a strangers flat tire
3. Pay for the next cars order in a drive thru
4. Do something that makes someone say, "You know, I really admire what you did!"
5. Win an award
6. Pull on the "Pull in case of fire"; even though there is no fire
7. Glue coins to the floor and watch strangers try and pick them up
8. Go to a poor area in a city during the winter holiday season, without any shopping areas to draw the middle class. I will put on the worst clothing I own, take a strip of cardboard, and write "Homeless please help" on it. Then I will sit down next to the sign, shaking a change cup. Anyone who gives me change will get a $50 bill until I run out of money.
9. Drive cross country without a map
10. Walk into a crowded bar and yell out, "Next round is on me!"
11. Set a world record
12. Run up the down moving escalator as many times as possible
13. Improve my active listening skills
14. Be a camp ground host
15. Go to the Olympics
16. Return every phone call I receive within 48 hours
17. I'd like to go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu
18. Wade or swim in a fountain
19. Learn to juggle
20. Go ghost hunting, with all the fancy equipment
21. Drive a zamboni
22. Ride an elephant
23. Learn to play the bagpipes
24. Spend a night in a haunted house
25. Yell, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore" in a crowded area
26. Start a fire without matches
27. Fly with one of the Blue Angels
28. Learn to ride a unicycle
29. Partake in St. Patty Day Events in Ireland
30. Get to know my neighbors

So that is a good start of a list. My creative juices are now draining, so I'll have to come up with more ideas some other time that I get super bored....

Saturday, June 9, 2007

My Old Wooden Boat....

Last fall I bought my Grandpa's old wooden boat from my uncle. My uncle spent a lot of time refinishing it. Last fall he had to sell it to either someone in the family or some stranger on the street. Since I've always wanted a boat and since it has a lot of sentimental value to my family (in particular all my uncles), I decided to buy it. Today my Dad and one of my uncles spent most of the day trying to figure out the original 50 year old motor. They finally did get it running. A few other things need to be done before we can take it out on the water, but I think that will happen soon. For now though, I get to look at it every time I go out to the garage.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My new purchase...

I spent most of the day harassing the insurance company to finally get the money from my car. And after 3 hours in the car dealership, I am now a new owner of a 2007 Jeep Patriot. It was a long miserable process. Again, I hate car shopping. It is a nice car, but what really hurts is now I have a 72 month loan. Ugh.


Well, I had some very unfortunate luck the other day on the way home from work. As I was going north, a large orange county truck pulled out at the last minute in front of me to make a left hand turn. I thought to myself, gosh that was kinda last minute. But, what was more than last minute was the stupid lady that just went right behind him and made a left and smashed into my vehicle. I mean smashed. I knew that when I saw her, there would be no avoiding her, that I was going to get into an accident. I didn't think it was going to be as bad as I thought it was. After the airbags went off and the car started smoking, I than knew it wouldn't be good. My favorite, beloved car is totaled. I was so mad, as I went up to her car to start giving her a piece of my mind, I find her on her cell phone. Imagine that. If there wouldn't have been so many other people around, I probably would have dragged her out of the car by her hair and started beating her. And I am not normally a violent person. What really got me though was the fact that she never apologized. So instead, after she started complaining her neck hurt, I helped the EMTs hold her neck still while we put a c-collar on her and put her on the backboard. And of course, she never said thank you. Again, how rude.

As for me, I'm not too bad, considering how bad my car looked. My knees are pretty banged up, very swollen and turning pretty shades of black and blue. They are also very painful and hurts like hell to walk. The only other area where I'm real sore is my hitchhikers thumb, of course. So now I am car less with a sore hitchhikers thumb and sore knees, therefore being unable to ride my bike or even walk anywhere. It is quite a helpless feeling. Not that I need to go anywhere, but just knowing that I can't go anywhere if I wanted to.

So now comes the task of finding a new car. I loved that car and am sure I will never be able to find a car that offered me all the special features it had. That and not to mention, I only had 11 more months to pay on it, that I just finished waxing it and it had a full tank of gas. It also means that I don't have a hitch to take my boat out on the water this weekend. Plus, I hate car shopping too. But, I guess I'm pretty lucky....

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The movie....

So my acting debut is complete, it was everything I had hoped and dreamed it would be. Not sure how much of an actress I really am because I had a hell of a time not busting out laughing. Which was really awkward because it was about an old man in a nursing home dying and something about bonsai trees (something totally random). So my few appearances were walking past a doorway with a towel and blanket. Than a more exciting scene where Jon and I come in from the stairwell and find mud (I think they were supposed to be footprints) where the old man had gone outside to see the bonsai tree....or something. Our job was to look at the mud, to look at each other all confused than walk away. The confused part was super easy because we always seem to be confused. We tried to improv a little, but they didn't like it. And of course they wouldn't let us speak. They even made us put on makeup, which is so Hollywood. But, out of the 600 or so employees, we were the only 2 suckers to show up. It made us feel a little awkward, but a little more famous since there was only 2 of us. The movie was only 6 minutes long, but I think we were probably in 1/12 of the movie. A pretty good portion for our debut. And yes, I will get a copy to show all my friends and family. And I will be able to sell autographed copies if anyone should request one (yes, we were that good). The best part was when the director cried we did such an excellent job. Cracked me up. A bunch of other extremely random things happened while we were there, nothing a lot of people would really be interested in. But after something like that would happen, they would than put us in a closed room. I was beginning to wonder if we were set up to be on candid camera or something bizarre like that.......

Now that the movie is over, I can cross off another random thing off my list of things I want to do before I die. The only other crazy thing on the list was picking up hitchhikers, which I was able to cross off last fall. But that is another story entirely. Now I need to come up with some other off the wall things to put on the list. Good times!

Friday, June 1, 2007

My neighbors...

Living in the senior citizen section of the neighborhood, a majority of my neighbors are snowbirds who go to Florida or Arizona or wherever it is that is warm for the winter. Well, the old people across the street have come home. I think I am a large part of their daily entertainment, which isn't saying much. If they weren't old, I would be concerned about their behavior and maybe even report them to the police. They had most of my life figured out before I even met them. He was able to tell me my occupation, the hours I work and my favorite cereal. Whenever I am outside working, he comes out too to mirror whatever activity I may be doing. If I am doing something they don't want to do, they sit on their porch and watch me. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last summer, so I figure they are in their 80s. He told me that just after their kids came up to build a porch very similar to mine for their anniversary gift. But, if I'm that entertaining to them, good for me.......

On a more exciting note, I will be making my acting debut tomorrow!! Some film maker is coming to the hospital to film a movie about some old man dying in a nursing home. They are looking for extras, so I eagerly volunteered. I was told I would be in the background with Jon (my only friend that is just as excited about this) behind the nurses station. He told me I would have no lines. But, I've been practicing just in case. "These pretzels are making me thirsty." Yes, that is a Seinfeld episode when Kramer is in a movie as an extra. I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. I hope to get a copy of the movie because I am sure most of my friends and family won't believe me.

Wish me luck......


So I have done something that is fairly atypical of me, I decided to start blogging. Not really sure why because I am actually a fairly reserved individual who really doesn't share what actually happens in my life to many people. But, I'm doing it anyways. I have some high expectations of how great this summer is going to be so I decided to share all my adventures on here. I have no idea who, if anyone, will be reading this. My life isn't that exciting, so I'm sure I won't be posting anything daily. But, stay tuned.......