Thursday, January 15, 2009


So tomorrow, or today now, is supposed to be the "really cold day." Currently the temp is -17 with a windchill of -25. I was out snow blowing in those temps tonight. It felt like I didn't have a jacket on I was so cold. I couldn't seem to get done quick enough!! So the weathermen are calling for windchill readings in the range of -25 to -30 throughout the day. Since I'm headed back to work, I'm hoping that this keeps everyone indoors and uninjured! Only the really sick people can come in! But more than likely what will happen, as it always does, the really dumb ones will come in also. Job security I suppose!

The highlight of my neighbors porch light FINALLY burnt out. When they come up, one of the first things they always do is turn on all of the lights inside and outside of the house. Not too sure why that is. But many times they have left a light on outside of the house. When they left well over a week ago, this was no exception. The light they left on perfectly shined right into my house, and it was some super 10,000 watt bulb nonetheless. Finally though, it burnt out and things around the house are dark again, just the way I like it.

1 comment:

32 degrees said...

when they replace it i'd go sneak over and unscrew it....