Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm Going to Jail

So over my lifespan, I've pulled hundreds of good pranks and practical jokes. I have never had one go as wrong as the one I pulled on Saturday. A friend of mine turned 40 this weekend, and we had a surprise party for him, at his house. Of course everyone proceeds to get completely wasted, except for me (because I like to be able to drive home safely) and a friend of mine who is pregnant. While we are watching people get more and more drunk, I decide we should start to mess with Ted. Sitting in the living with a bunch of other people, I got up and took a huge ass picture of a deer off his wall and took it out the front door to my car. The plan was to hang it up in the ER, and see if he noticed it when he went back to work. So after I came back in, and a few hours later, he notices it is missing but is completely unsure how long it has been gone. All the drunk folk are now trying to remember if they saw a picture hanging on this big empty wall now. Funny for me. He than starts to talk about how he thinks his very recent ex-wife busted into the house and took his picture. Seriously. For one thing, it was an ugly picture, and secondly, why would she break in and steal only that? I guess maybe alcohol does funny things to a person. So a couple of days go by when I go into work and find Ted there. He starts talking about how his ex-wife may be going to jail. I asked him for what, because she is actually a pretty nice, honest lady. He told me for stealing his picture. I tried to explain to him numerous times how he shouldn't be calling the cops because I know where the picture is at. He, of course, doesn't listen. He proceeds to call the state police, get in touch with a detective, and his attorney. Seriously? If you had a big group of drunks at your house and something came up missing, wouldn't the first thing you do would be to question everyone who was there. Oh no, not in this case. Needless to say, I had to actually physically present him with the picture before he would call the cops and explain to them that it was just a big misunderstanding. Opps. You know what though, I don't even really feel that bad about it, and still think its damn funny!

Anyways, this morning was one of the coldest mornings I can remember. And who has to get up before the sun comes up? Yup, me. At a -21F, I tromped out to the ski hill to patrol for the Special Olympics. I seriously thought I was going to freeze. Sadly, there wasn't a big turnout, but I guess that worked out for the better since it didn't last as long. It did warm up to a balmy 18F! The sun was shining, I felt like I was in heaven. I think I may even have gotten a bit of a sunburn! The best part of the day was the hour we had between the Special Olympics and the high school ski practice, so the patrollers actually had the hills to themselves. It was pretty sweat!

Last day off tomorrow before heading back to work. Sigh....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok... I'm going to agree with you that he's an idiot...

just love the snow here btw... joy...