Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside

Its more than just cold, it is freezing up here. Currently the temp is -14, not too sure what the windchill is. Today the highest I saw was 4, but the windchill reading was anywhere from -10 to -17. What did I do? Go outside and play in it of course! I went snowshoeing in the Pigeon River for a few hours this afternoon. It was rather quite deceiving since the sun was shining all day, even had to put my sunglasses on! After I finally got back to the car, and for several hours after that, I felt like someone was poking my face with a sharp little needle. It was fun, just cold.

The wonderful news about the weather, is that it is supposed to get colder with Thursday being the worse. The weatherman said tonight, "Things do warm a bit Friday as it looks like all areas should reach above zero." Woohoo!! Above zero! That is a reason for celebration! I don't understand why no one wants to come visit me up in the great north.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when I was young... we had to walk 1/4 mile to the bus stop... and it was like 0 out... so we walk there... COMPLETELY frozen by the time we got there... and waited... and waited... and waited... and so we trudged home and thawed out in front of the fire... as our mom was driving us to school we saw the school bus drive down our road... like 30-45minutes late... Did they really expect us to still be there???