Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Go Wings!

The Detroit Red Wings are THE Stanley Cup Champions of 2008! Tonight they got some lucky bounces and finally shut down Pittsburgh and won the game 3-2...but barely. Now the cup is back in Hockeytown! What a spectacular run it has been!

After a last minute decision to cancel our overnight hike the other day due to poor weather conditions, today a friend and I decided we would hike the entire 18 mile loop of Deadman's Hill in the Jordan River Valley. I found out the hard way that 18 miles there, all at once, is way too long. That is definitely a 2 day trip and lesson has been learned. After hiking up and down those hills for 9 hours, and barely making it back before it got dark, my legs and feet are killing me. I will never do that again. I have a huge blister on my heel and any type of movement required by my legs almost brings tears to my eyes. Time to load up on both tylenol and motrin.

So after this hike, and another 14 mile hike two days ago, it is time for me to go back to work so that my body has a chance to recover. Which isn't saying a lot, considering I am on my feet almost all day, I do a ton of walking, and my shifts are 12 hours long. I guess the only good thing, is there are no hills in the ER.


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